Obituary of professor Ibrahim

Fakulta textilní Technické univerzity v Liberci s hlubokým zármutkem oznamuje, že ve věku 74 let zemřel prof. Ing. Sayed Ibrahim, CSc.

He has left behind the material world in the morning of 5th January 2015. He is survived by his wife, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and beloved grand children. Apart from being a loving family-man, he will always be remembered by the staff and students of the textile faculty at Technical university of Liberec.

He was born in Egypt in the year 1940. He obtained his BS from the Technological Institute of Cairo in 1962. He studied at the Helwan University for his MS. His association with the Technical Institute of Mechanical and Textile Engineering Liberec can be traced back to 1972 when he joined as a doctoral candidate. After obtaining his doctoral degree, he went back to serve at University of Mansoura in Egypt. He was promoted to level of Professor and worked as Dean of the textile faculty in Mansoura from 1986-1997. From 1996-2000 he was member of the Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology. He returned back to Technical University of Liberec as a university professor in 2000. Since then, he has been strongly associated with many scientific as well as organizational activities here.

Apart from his favourite theories of yarn spinning, material unevenness, yarn hairiness etc. he was associated with the international affairs of the faculty for a long time. He was responsible for recruitment of PhD and postdoc candidates at our faculty. During his working tenure he has developed contacts with many leading institutes across the globe e.g. North Carolina State University and Auburn university in USA, Kyoto University Japan, Deakin University Australia, Mansoura university, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Wuhan Textile University and Donghua university in China, National textile University Pakistan etc. to name a few. He had published numerous book chapters, journal papers and presented conference papers all over the world.

He was especially popular among the international PhD students who have immensely benefitted from his helpful nature and guidance.

Though his presence can’t be replaced, his contribution to the faculty will always be remembered in the hearts of the students and the staff members. We all pray for his soul to rest in peace.

Loučíme se s panem profesorem, který byl po dobu 15 let naším uznávaným kolegou, moudrým přítelem a ryzím člověkem, od kterého jsme se mohli naučit řadu pro život důležitých věcí… Vzpomínáme. Svět je bez něj nějaký prázdnější...



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